well early one friday morning me and Hannah went on a drive just a little past newcastle to dunstanburgh castle. Dunstanburgh is located on a cliff 2 miles from the nearest car park, so a nice little walk is needed to get there, which came as a welcome relif after a 3 hour drive there.
Heres a link to the National trust website with a bit more information about the site.
A) Those ruins are just THERE in the middle of nowhere for exploring?
B) Car park. Brilliant. Makes "parking lot" sound ridiculously lame.
C) It doesn't look like the ruins could possibly still be standing, balancing precariously, as they are.
D) Who actually owns the property, and why is nothing visibly done to preserve such things? (I'll follow your link to the site and see if my questions are answered, but it still seems to me that there are a whole lot of random ruins in the UK...and Europe, for that matter!)
E) Gloriously beautiful photos, as always. Thank you!
Did you check the website out?!
Its a fab castle, not free to walk round, but there are plenty here that are.
The castles were superbly built but considering the battles and wars and centuries they have lived through, its no wonder they are ruinous! Im sure Dunstanburgh has been well battered by the weather too.
We have lots of random ruins here!
What I wouldn't give to see a building older than, say, my age. :) I DID check out the site, and I have determined that before my children graduate from high school (giving myself at least 14 years that way), I WILL visit the UK. Sigh.
By the way, I agree with your comment about the calendar...I think it's not only harmless, it shows that we Mormons have the ability to laugh at ourselves...AND that we breed well! :) Yes, they are real Mormons, and none of them have been excommunicated. (Supposedly the man who created the calendar had a host of other offenses, but who knows?) I'm not that bothered by them taking away his degree; I went to BYU, too, and anyone who is a student there knows that, thanks to it being a private school, excommunication can lead to loss of a degree, but that seldom happens. I think because this guy has made it so public, they felt a need to do something about it. Anyway, it's not like he didn't know...AND not like he doesn't have the education (and the story!) to back up any future work application. :) (And frankly, I think the juxtaposition between the "I'm a nice Mormon Missionary Man" photos and the I'm a Hot, Steamy, Sexy Mormon Guy" is priceless. :)
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