The gate to the church in Skipton

Doors from Ladys Annes entrance towards the gatehouse

The courtyard tree

The internal courtyard

Arch in the Chapel

A lovely day in Skipton for Simons birthday, first we visited the Castle and then took a walk round Skipton, which was a nice town. I think he had a good day!
I did have a good day, in fact it was a great day! Now if i could just get my pics online too!
You know, sometimes I wonder, looking over these photos, if these places are REAL, or if one of you works at a movie studio and has a great time snapping pictures of the sets! (Case in point: the tree in the courtyard. It's like walking onto the set for a Lord of the Rings film, or the courtyard of Hogswart in Harry Potter!) Perhaps I'll have to start requesting emailed photos of larger file sizes...:)
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