Friday, 2 January 2009

Edinburgh A quick walk around the castle and Royal Mile on new years eye.


Jessica Martiele said...

I stumbled onto your blog, and I must confess, I am delighted by all the amazing photos you've posted! You mentioned in one post that it never occurs to us to photograph the places we live, and I think that's true...but then again, I live in Anaheim, California, where every street corner has all the same shopping and restaurant chains, and where all the buildings are cookie-cutter style. If I lived somewhere like the UK, I think I'd never stop taking pictures!

That said, so many of your photos appear professional; is this your occupation, or simply a hobby? Are you willing to allow others to use your prints? (I'd love to blow up a couple of them and print them here at home on some canvas.)

Thank you so much for your photos, and I hope you don't mind me stopping in from time to time to view some more!

Unknown said...

Hey Jessica, Thank you so much for your kind words< I guess were pretty lucky living in the uk But I have a friend in california who takes amazing sunset pics that id never be able to take over here so i guess every area has its charms.
Im not a professional photographer by a long shot, just someone who enjoys taking a lot of pictures and tends to keep his camera in his car just in case as you never know what you might be lucky enough to spot.
Your more than welcome to print out a few of my pictures if you like, all I ask is that you link your blog to ours and tell your friends about it too. I'll be updating this year as often as I get the time to do so!

Jessica Martiele said...

I'll link it RIGHT NOW and indeed tell my well as download some of these photos so I can run them through Adobe and print them for my walls! THANK YOU!!!

By the way, really not a professional? Your aesthetic sense is phenomenal, as is your subject matter. I'm still jealous, no matter how pretty a California beach sunset may be!